SketchUp Class November 18-19, 2023. Not too late to register!

There are still a few seats available for my live, weekend SketchUp class to be held November 18-19, 2023 at the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan. More details are available on this earlier post, or from the school. … Continue reading

Live SketchUp Classes at SBWI November 2023 & April 2024

The weekend of November 18 & 19, 2023 I will be returning to the Sam Beauford Woodworking Institute in Adrian, Michigan to teach a “SketchUp for Woodworkers” class. If you’ve been wanting to learn how to make 3D models of … Continue reading

A Different Kind of SketchUp Class

This August 10 & 11 I will be returning to the Marc Adams School of Woodworking to teach a class called “Supercharge SketchUp”. Unlike most of my SketchUp classes this is intended for folks who already have some experience in … Continue reading

Transition From Rectangle to Circle In SketchUp

Way back when I was in design school (board drafting with T-square and pencil) one of my teachers mentioned that people who work with sheet metal duct work know more about practical geometry than anyone in the world. I was … Continue reading

Classes with Bob Lang at MASW in 2018

Sometimes the best things appear in the most unexpected places. You wouldn’t expect to find a woodworking school smack dab in the middle of central Indiana, but that’s the location of the Marc Adams School of Woodworking. MASW has been … Continue reading

SketchUp Class Philadelphia Furniture Workshop – Nov. 11-12, 2017

I’m delighted to announce a SketchUp Class to be held the weekend of November 11-12, 2017 at the Philadelphia Furniture Workshop in Philadelphia, PA. You can get detailed information and register for this class at the PFW website. While this … Continue reading

Marc Adams July 22-23 SketchUp Class

Space Available MASW July 22-23 SketchUp Class There are still a few seats available in the two-day SketchUp class I will be teaching on the weekend of July 22-23, 2017 at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking in Franklin, Indiana. … Continue reading

SketchUp Class At Marc Adams, July 22-23, 2017

One of my favorite weekends of the year is teaching SketchUp at the Marc Adams School of Woodworking in Indiana. There are still a few spots available in this years class on the weekend of July 22 & 23. Complete … Continue reading

Online SketchUp Individual Tutoring

Teaching yourself how to use computer software is possible, (that’s how I learned to use SketchUp) but the drawback is you suffer for a while with an ignorant teacher (I know I did). The problem is you don’t know what … Continue reading

SketchUp Woodworking Class-Pittsburgh Area-May 6 & 7, 2017

Thanks to the organizing efforts of one of my readers I will be teaching a two-day SketchUp Woodworking class this May 6-7, 2017 in the Pittsburgh, PA area. This class will focus on woodworking, but the 3D modeling techniques you … Continue reading

2017 Classes At Marc Adams School of Woodworking

Marc Adams School of Woodworking is a special place and I’ve been invited to teach a few classes at MASW in 2017. It is the largest woodworking school in the country with an incredibly well-equipped shop and an experienced staff … Continue reading

SketchUp Workshop-Birmingham, AL-Friday April 8

Next weekend I will be in Birmingham, Alabama as a guest of the Alabama Woodworkers Guild. On Friday evening, April 8, 2016 from 6-9pm I will be conducting a Woodworking With SketchUp workshop. This special event is open to the … Continue reading

Stickley Build and SketchUp Workshops

At the Alabama Woodworkers Guild – April 8-10, 2016 In a few months I will be traveling to Maylene (just south of Birmingham), Alabama to present not one, but two workshops for the Alabama Woodworkers Guild. The main event will … Continue reading

2016 Classes: SketchUp and Stickley Bookcase

I only have a few classes scheduled (at the moment) for the coming year. Space is limited and my classes often fill early. Here are dates, places and information about signing up: SketchUp Weekend at Rockler Denver, January 30-31, 2016 … Continue reading

SketchUp Class at Rockler, Denver – January 30-31, 2016

UPDATE – JANUARY 12, 2016 – CLASS IS DEFINITELY ON! A FEW SEATS ARE STILL AVAILABLE! I will be teaching a two-day SketchUp class on January 30 & 31, 2016, and the Rockler Woodworking & Hardware store in Denver, Colorado. … Continue reading

SketchUp Class in Cincinnati, October 10-11, 2015

SketchUp Class with Bob Lang

I will be teaching an introduction to SketchUp Class on Saturday, October 10, and Sunday, October 11, 2015 at The Manufactory, here in Cincinnati. The class will follow the “Building Blocks of SketchUp” format, where you will learn how to … Continue reading