About two months ago I floated the idea of offering online SketchUp classes and about one month ago I held some live practice sessions. It’s a simple idea; I can connect with students online, they can see my screen, I can see theirs, problems can be solved in real time and the focus is on finding (and fixing) the thing that is keeping an individual from making SketchUp sing and dance.
But like many simple ideas, getting things right gets complicated and takes longer than originally expected. I’d rather get it right than get it done right now, and I apologize for the dead air space on this matter. The live sessions went very well, but I realized that they are one part of a bigger picture.
I would like to see everyone know how to make 3D models in SketchUp, and I have a pretty good track record of helping folks achieve that goal. The big lesson that teaching others has taught me is that everyone learns in their own way. So I’ve decided that my online teaching efforts will include resources in different formats. What I have in mind has required a lot of work under the hood, but in the next few weeks I will be rolling out “Bob Lang’s Online SketchUp Class”. It won’t be free, but it will be affordable. You’ll be able to tailor your learning experience to your budget, your learning style, the specific tasks you want to do, and the time you have available.
There will be a mix of available media and mixed media lessons on a variety of topics. To stay informed, sign up for my newsletter or subscribe to this site’s posts. There are several options to do so in the sidebar to the right. If you have any questions, suggestions or requests leave a comment on this post, or click my signature below to send me an e-mail.
If you’re ready to get good at SketchUp right away, I’m available for individual or small-group sessions online. Here is a post with details about that. You also might take a look at my interactive PDF books about using SketchUp. Thousands of people have learned that way.
If you act quickly, you can still signup for my two-day “SketchUp for Today’s Woodworker” class at Marc Adams School of Woodworking, July 22-23, 2017.