Online SketchUp Presentation for SAPFM, June 20, 2024

Next Thursday, June 20, 2024 at 8pm EDT I will be hosting a demonstration/discussion for the Society of American Period Furniture Makers about the value of using SketchUp for design and planning of furniture projects. This is part of a new SAPFM series of monthly live presentations via the Zoom platform. If you are a current member you will receive an email with a link to join the Zoom meeting. If you are not a current SAPFM member, you can fix that by joining at this link.

In addition to online presentations, SAPFM also has an “unplugged” online special interest group that meets monthly, regional and national meetings, a quarterly eMagazine “Pins & Tales” and the annual American Period Furniture journal, and tons of content in the members side of the SAPFM website. Details about SAPFM are here.

My presentation will be 60-90 minutes long and I will be doing live 3D modeling and sharing some of my recent work including the SketchUp models I use as the basis for illustrations in my recent books and for American Period Furniture. I will emphasize the value of modeling for furniture makers.

Imagine “pretending” to build your next project on your computer, catching and fixing mistakes before you cut any lumber and refining details and options in minutes, not hours or days. The best part? When your model is finished SketchUp will tell you the exact size and shape of every piece. In my own work SketchUp saves time with every project and I am far more confident in the shop when I arrive with a detailed model.

I hope to see you next Thursday evening,

– Bob Lang

Bob Lang Woodworker's Guide to SketchUp, 3rd EditionWoodworker’s Guide to SketchUp, 3rd. Edition is in stock and available for immediate delivery. Join the thousands of woodworkers who have learned 3D modeling from my book.


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