Make an Exploded View in SketchUp

Exploded View from SketchUp Model

The Massachusetts Department of Education links to this page as a valuable resource for learning SketchUp. If you’re a teacher and looking for ways to integrate 3D modeling into your Science, Technology, Engineering, Art or Math program, visit our “SketchUp for Stem” page for more resources.

What I like most about modeling in SketchUp, compared to working with pencil and paper or in 2D CAD is that I don’t have to worry about what finished drawings or details will look like until after I’ve built a 3D model. I can generate any type of two dimensional information I want, after I’ve solved the problem of what the finished project will look like and how it goes together. Elevations and sections are generated by saving scenes and controlling the visibility of dimensions with layers. (Read about organizing your model with Scenes and Layers here.)

Exploded views are a great way to visualize how complex parts fit neatly together, and if you know how to use the Move tool in SketchUp, you can generate an exploded view in just a few minutes. This video (from the “New Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp”) shows how fast, easy and painless the process is.

“Woodworker’s Guide to SketchUp”  is a comprehensive manual for designing, planning and problem solving woodworking projects, from simple boxes to cabinet and furniture. It includes videos embedded within the illustrated text and it’s a great way to learn how to model your next project.

— Bob Lang


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